WordPress Quickstart With Docker

I need a WordPress install to do some automated publishing tests, so had a little look around to see how easy it’d be using docker and Kitematic. Remarkably easy, it turns out, once the gotchas are sorted. So here’s the route in four steps:

1) Create a file called docker-compose.yml in a working directory of your choice, containing the following:

  image: mysql
  image: wordpress
    - somemysql:mysql
    - 8082:80

The port mapping sets the WordPress port 80 to be visible on host at port 8082.

2) Using Kitematic, launch the Kitematic command-line interface (CLI), cd to your working directory and enter:

docker-compose up -d

(The -d flag runs the containers in detached mode – whatever that means?!;-)

3) Find the IP address that Kitematic is running the VM on – on the command line, run:

docker-machine env dev

You’ll see something like export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" – the address you want is the “dotted quad” in the middle; here, it’s

4) In your browser, go to eg (or whatever values your setup us using) – you should see the WordPress setup screen:



Here’s another way (via this docker tutorial: wordpress):

i) On the command line, get a copy of the MySQL image:

docker pull mysql:latest

ii) Start a MySQL container running:

docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=example -d mysql

iii) Get a WordPress image:

docker pull wordpress:latest

iv) And then get a WordPress container running, linked to the database container:

docker run --name wordpress-instance --link some-mysql:mysql -p 8083:80 -d wordpress

v) As before, lookup the IP address of the docker VM, and then go to port 8083 on that address.

Author: Tony Hirst

I'm a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, with an interest in #opendata policy and practice, as well as general web tinkering...